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User:Bunny322/Choose an Article

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1

Article title
Article Evaluation
This is an extremely short article that is more of a definition page. There is little to nothing on how the term was coined, why it is used, or the history behind it's use. The whole article is about 5 sentences long.

Option 2

Article title
Article Evaluation
This article isn't very long but does have a decent amount of information. There are some citations missing (in the Common misconceptions and sexual activities section) and there are places where more information might be beneficial, but for the most part it's a good article.

Option 3

Article title
Ladies National Association for the Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts
Article Evaluation
Overall there's a good amount of information in this article but there are also some citations missing and some of the sections don't have much information.

Option 4

Article title
Article Evaluation

Option 5

Article title
Article Evaluation